* Viage of Life
power requires no expenditure of blood or willpower. The power allows
the vampire to appear as life like as any other human being. The
vampire may turn the power on and off at will.
** Warmth of the Living
power requires the expenditure of 1 blood point. Until the vampire
sleeps, the vampire produces body heat equivalent to a normal human
being. The vampire may end this ability at any time, though they must
spend another blood to activate it again. This power is very useful
for traveling in freezing weather, since normally a vampire would
freeze solid in such weather.
*** Sustenance of Mortals
per day the vampire may consume food and receive actual sustenance
from it. The vampire must consume a number of pounds of food equal to
their blood potency. If the vampire is of the generational type they
must eat a number of pounds equal to 13 minus their generation, with
a minimum of 1 pound. The food may be cooked or raw, neither form
provides an advantage or disadvantage. After consuming the meal the
vampire's body produces 1 blood. The blood created from this food
functions exactly as blood taken from a mortal. Any food consumed
beyond the requirement has no further effect.
**** Pleasures of the Flesh
vampire is capable of enjoying sensations that they once enjoyed in
life. Smells, textures, and other sensation the mortal form can
experience so now the vampire can as well. This power also allows the
vampire to experience new sensations, rather than replays of previous
experiences. This ability allows the vampire to once again experience
and enjoy sex. All of the vampire's fluids remain blood based as
before. This power gives a vampire a connection to mortals allowing
them a deeper insight into their behaviors. All social rolls made
when interacting with mortals are at a -2 difficulty.
***** Return of the Natural
vampire's body produces all the fluids that a mortal body may
produce. If the vampire wishes they may produce excrement, at the
cost of 1 blood point. The most useful aspect of this power is the
capability of being able to breed like a human once again. A male
need only expend one blood point to create fertile semen. Fertility
for a female is much more involved, at the time of the coupling they
must spend a single blood point. The female must then expend 1 blood
point per day of the pregnancy on top of the normal blood needed to
function throughout the day. The pregnancy lasts for 9 months
allowing for the natural birth of the child. The vampire may end the
pregnancy at any point. A child produced from a coupling with a
mortal produces a dhampir, a child produced from a coupling with
another vampire produces a Pure Blood vampire.
***** * Mortal Temperament
vampire no longer possess the fears and other emotional difficulties
intrinsic to their vampiric condition. The vampire is no longer
subject to frenzying of any kind including from being hungry. The
vampire no longer fears the sunlight and fire, and can operate during
the daytime normally. The vampire is still physically vulnerable to
sunlight and fire. With this ability the vampire takes on one of the
frailties of mortal beings, the need for sleep. A vampire now
requires at least 6 hours of sleep per day, those that forgo sleep
receive a cumulative +1 difficulty to all rolls for each day they do
not sleep.
***** ** Skin of Man
vampire is capable of withstanding the harsh light of the sun, though
while being exposed to sunlight they are limited to the actions they
may take. While exposed to sunlight the vampire may not use
disciplines or expend blood, lest they take damage. For every
discipline or point of blood the vampire uses while exposed to
sunlight, they take 1 level of unsoakable damage. While in direct
sunlight the damage taken is aggravated, while in indirect sunlight
the damage taken is lethal. This limitation does not extend to blood
used for this discipline as well as this discipline.
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